Team Treat: 3 Drabbles

Oct 26, 2019 23:58

 Another trio of drabbles for the spn_bigpretzel Hallowe'en Team Challenge

Title: Bobby’s Bake Off
Characters: Bobby, Weechesters Dean and Sam
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Dean and Sam spend Hallowe’en at Uncle Bobby’s.

Dean and Sam chased each other up the porch and back into the house. They could hear Uncle Bobby cursing up a storm and they froze. Sam looked to his big brother for guidance; Dean squared his shoulders, then led the way to the kitchen.

“Balls!” Bobby swore as he banged his fists on the table. “How f*cking hard can this be? Son-of-a-bitch pastry…”

“Um, Uncle Bobby, you okay?” Dean asked nervously.

“Yeah, just fixing you boys a pumpkin pie, y’know, for Hallowe’en,” Bobby sighed. They noticed he was covered in a pumpkin-flour mess. “Not as easy as I imagined.”

Title: Fancy Dress
Characters: Donna, Sam and Dean
Rating: pg
Word count: 120
Summary: Dean and Sam cause a stir at Donna’s Hallowe’en party.

Donna looked up as new arrivals entered the room; the assembled guests stopped talking and started gawping.

It amused her how two such tall, well-built, fearless hunters could look so shy, embarrassed and somehow smaller than usual. They were used to being in control, taking charge of a situation, and now they were out of their comfort zone.

It might also be because Dean’s dressed as the Red Hood and Sam’s dressed as MacGyver, making them even more darned attractive.

“Hiya, fellas!” she smiled.

“Whoa, Donna, you look fantastic!” Dean replied.

Donna blushed; the Catwoman suit had been a risky choice but Dean obviously loved it.

“Hi Donna,” Sam looked nervous.

“Don’t fret, Sam, it’s a clown-free party!” Donna grinned.

Title: Weirdy McWeirderson
Characters: Dean and Sam
Rating: pg
Word count: 100
Summary: Dean decides that they deserve a treat - he just doesn’t get Sam’s choice.

"Have I told you lately that you’re freakin’ weird?" Dean raised an eyebrow.
“Probably,” Sam shrugged, unconcerned.

“Like Weirdy McWeirderson weird.” Dean taunted.

“It’s my choice,” Sam retorted.

“Yeah, but most people would choose a meal out, a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine. Heck, even a trip to a day spa,” Dean replied.

“You said I could choose a treat,” Sam lowered his voice to add in his best Dean voice, “Sammy, our lives are one big freakin’ trick, let’s treat ourselves at Hallowe’en.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to want to come to a freakin’ bookstore!”

rating: pg, dean, weechesters, bobby, halloween team drabble challenge, sam, fic: gen, donna, drabbles, team treat

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