Team Trick: 1 drabble + 1 fanart

Oct 25, 2019 00:04

Title: Yummy Trick or Treaters
Character: Dean, Sam, and John
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: I imagine Dean is 9 and Sam is 5 in this ( Read more... )

sam, fic: gen, dean, fanart, john, halloween team drabble challenge

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Comments 10

jj1564 October 25 2019, 08:54:49 UTC
Phew thank goodness John was there! Just to let you know, the image is locked.


tiggeratl1 October 25 2019, 09:28:04 UTC
Yes, thank goodness for John. This had an alternate ending originally, but I think this one works better. Also, thanks so much for letting me know about the art. I think I fixed it, so will you let me know if you can see it now?


jj1564 October 25 2019, 09:59:01 UTC
Yes, I can see it now, it's great, I like the combination of SPN & TWD!


tiggeratl1 October 25 2019, 10:06:46 UTC
Yay! Thanks so much. Yeah, when I decided to make the boys zombies, I knew I had to get John/Negan and Lucille in there somehow. 😅 #crossoverftw


dizzojay October 25 2019, 17:37:35 UTC
Good old John - why d I think that witch's days are numbered???
And how is it that Sam and Dean make two sexy zombies!!
Welcome to the challenge :)


tiggeratl1 October 25 2019, 18:38:08 UTC
Yeah, that witch should have stayed inside. :-) And IKR, such sexy zombies. *o* Thanks so much!


ellerkay October 25 2019, 18:26:18 UTC
HA, that drabble is great! And the art is fantastic. I'm going to share it with my friend who's an SPN/TWD/JDM fan and she's going to flip. :D


tiggeratl1 October 25 2019, 18:42:20 UTC
Awesome. Let me know what your friend thinks about it. Thanks so much! :-)


ext_4082006 November 2 2019, 11:58:37 UTC
I almost feel bad for the witch. Nice artwork.


tiggeratl1 November 2 2019, 12:10:06 UTC
I can see that. She was just trying to get her treat on and along comes John. Thanks so much.


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