Title: Luke Hairdresser
Rating: pg
Characters: Charlie, Dean, Sam and Cas.
Summary: Charlie’s so excited to be going to a Star Wars con with her besties.
Word Count: 120 (oops)
spn_bigpretzel DEW Character: Charlie; Theme: Hairstyles
Charlie smiled at her reflection in the mirror. It had been tricky creating Princess Leia’s iconic hairstyle, but she’d had help. This was going to be the best cosplay ever, because Sam, Dean, and her new friend Cas were joining her.
“You look fabulous!” Dean smiled when he saw her.
“So do you, handsome,” she smiled.
“But why can’t I be Luke?” Sam grumbled.
“You’re too tall,” Charlie replied, “and as Dean’s Han Solo, you’re his sidekick.”
“I don’t wanna be his sidekick!” Sam complained.
“Stop growling, Chewwy,” Dean grinned.
“At least you didn’t have to braid Charlie’s hair,” Cas added.
“And you can stop grumblin’ Luke Hairdresser!” Charlie laughed.