DEW: Partners in Crime

Mar 17, 2018 13:02


Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Characters: Dean, Baby
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: I don't own him


Emerging from the grocery store, Dean crossed the street to the parked Impala.  Dumping three shopping bags into her passenger seat, he slumped into the driver’s seat beside them with a sigh.

“Hey Baby”, he murmured as he rummaged into the nearest bag; “you won’t believe this crappy ‘healthy eating’ kick Sam’s got us on.  Honestly, what am I?  A goddamn rabbit?  I’ve barely eaten anything that ain’t green in the last two weeks.  It sucks, Baby, and I’m starving.  Most of that shit ends up in the trash, not in me, when he’s not looking.”

Dean pulled a jumbo bag of doughnuts from the nearest bag, and enthusiastically crammed a whole one into his face, groaning breathlessly with the relieved bliss of the truly desperate.

“You understand me Baby,” he mumbled, licking his fingers through the wad of chewed dough.  “You know I’m a grown man - with freakin’ needs.  Right now those needs are food.  DECENT food.”

Wiping a stray sprinkle of sugar from her dash with his cuff he disposed of another doughnut before barely even pausing for breath.

“Not a word to Sam, right Baby?”  He patted her steering wheel with sticky fingers.

“This’ll be our little secret!”



drabble, dew, author:dizzojay, dean, impala

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