The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - One More

Feb 07, 2018 01:00

A drabble written for the
spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: Being Together
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam and Dean have a special room in the Bunker - no, not that sort of room, this is pg!!

There’s a special room in the Bunker, one that Dean and Sam designed themselves. It has twin queen-size beds, a mini bar, table and chairs, tacky decorations on the wall, including a starburst clock. The sheets are cleaner, the bathroom’s much more sanitary. The room doesn’t smell of cigarette smoke, sweat or urine. It smells of them, and it’s where they sleep when they need to be together.

So many years on the road and so many nights spent in the same room meant that although they love having their own rooms, sometimes they just need their own motel room.

sam, drabble, rating: pg, valentines day drabble challenge, author:jj1564, dean, team bobbys pedicures

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