The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - and Three More!

Feb 04, 2018 13:14

Three more drabbles written for the spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: Is This Real Life?
Characters: Sam and Sully
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Sam’s pleased to see Sully after all these years but can’t believe he’s real.

Sam couldn’t believe he’d forgotten Sully. Yes, it had been years, but his not-so-imaginary friend had been a huge part of his life, at a time when he needed him most.

And here he was, larger than life in his rainbow suspenders, like some weird version of Mork.

Right now, Sully was smiling happily at him and Sam felt like a kid again. Not the scared and lonely kid Sully had befriended, but the kid who felt happy and above all safe whenever Sully was around.

It was good to see him, even if he had to be an hallucination.

Title: Rowena’s Favourite Book
Characters: Rowena
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Rowena’s favourite book may surprise some people.

Rowena had many ancient and precious books in her possession, but there was one she prized above all others. It was full of magic, marvels, spells and saucery...not sorcery, although the author was rumoured to be a witch. It was the original copy, taken from the clutches of Isabella's cold, dead hands.

Rowena had used it many times over the years - if she wanted to impress a potential suitor, or whenever she fancied making herself a beef stew or an apple pie. She actually enjoyed cooking.

Yes, Mrs Beeton's Cookery Book would always have a place on her bookshelf.

Title: The Blue-Eyed Bloodsucker.
Characters: Dean and Benny
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean thinks about Benny.

From the moment I saw those bright blue eyes, I was freakin’ smitten. But there was no way I’d ever let the bloodsucker know that. I’m a hunter, Benny’s a vamp; we could never be friends or...or anything more than that.

No matter that Benny’s smile made my heart race, or that his sexy Southern drawl made my knees weak.

We needed each other to survive and escape, so we had to get along. Trouble was, we got along too damn well. I had to keep reminding myself that he was a vamp, a monster.

A monster I could’ve loved.

drabble, benny, rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, team bobbys pedicures, sam, rowena, valentines day drabble challenge

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