The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - Three More

Feb 03, 2018 18:01

Three more drabbles written for the spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: Things Dean Loves
Characters: Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: A list of some of the things Dean loves.

Dean loves...

...his cassette tape collection.
...his coffee machine.
...his dead-guy robe, it’s comfortable.
...a beer or two.
...listening to music through his headphones.
...his bed.
...pie, of course!
...the little diner in Lebanon with the cool Jukebox.
... watching his DVD collection, especially Die Hard.
...his Vonnegut books. Yes, he reads!
...the family photos on his bedside table.
...his Colt, best gun ever.
...Magic Fingers - the only thing that makes staying in motels fun.
...his Baby, fifty years old and still going strong. She’s the most important thing in his life - apart from the lanky dude who rides shotgun.

Title: Who's The Geek?
Characters: Charlie
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Charlie's favourite t-shirt reveals a different side of Dean.

Charlie smiles as she pulls her favourite t-shirt over her head. It has one word - she wore it for many years, just to see who recognised it as a quote from the best movie ever. It’s getting threadbare now, so she wears it underneath shirts. She met some really cool people at college while wearing it, who became good friends - and sometimes more than friends.

She was surprised when she took her shirt off during a meal with the Winchesters when it was Dean who did his best Vizzini impression - “Inconceivable!”

And she’d thought Sam was the geek...

Title: Don't Tell Sammy
Characters: Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's not just the greatest hits of mullet rock that Dean likes.

Dean still has a box full of cassette tapes; some were his dad’s and there’s even one that was his mom’s. He’ll never get rid of them.

And he’ll always be a fan of heavy rock; he loves blasting it out when driving his Baby - and knowing how much it annoys Sam makes it even sweeter.

But Sam would be surprised to know that when Dean’s alone in his bedroom listening to music through his headphones, it’s more modern stuff. Even a little bit of country, and what Dean calls emo-crap.

AC/DC still rule, but Dean kinda likes Radiohead, too.

drabble, rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, team bobbys pedicures, charlie, fic: gen, valentines day drabble challenge

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