Valentines Day Challenge| Team BOBBY'S PEDICURES| 4 Drabbles

Feb 02, 2018 01:33


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N:All fics were cross posted to fc_smorgasbord

Title: Timekeeper
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Wee!Sammy loves his watch.

"It's  five minutes 'till four we're going to be late," Sammy told Dean.

"That sounds right. It was six minutes until four a minute ago," Dean called back from the end of the bed where he'd been trying to watch the afternoon movie.  It had looked like a good movie.

"Three minutes to four. If we don't leave by four we'll be late. You said being late was bad," Sam reminded him. "It's now two minutes to four."

Dean loved it when Sammy mastered a new skill. He just wished his little brother didn’t love his watch so damn much.

Title: A Whole New World
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Wee!Sammy loves to read.

Sammy ate his mac n cheese as quickly as he could. Dean had taken him to the library that afternoon. Sammy had to eat before he could start his new book.
The library was Sammy's favorite place. Today was extra special because Dean let him pick a book from the grown-up section. He said it had to be one of the fairy tale books. Sammy quickly agreed and looked for one that He couldn't wait to start the book. Once Dean saw how much he liked it he would let him keep picking books that weren't in the kid's section.

Title: Just Like Dean
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Wee!Sammy loves Wee!Dean.

Sammy loved his new boots more than any other pair of shoes he'd ever owned. It didn't matter that they came from the thrift store. He liked them more because they looked better that way. They weren't baby sneakers like he usually wore. They were honest to goodness big boy boots. These were real boots just like the boots Dean and Daddy always wore.  They looked more like Dean's. Daddy's were always dirty and always smelled stinky. Dean kept his things nice. Sammy swore he'd keep his just as nice. He knew they were the best boots he'd ever own.

Title: Best Day
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Wee!Dean loves the fair.

Dean couldn't believe what a great day he'd been having. It had started when Daddy woke them with the biggest box of doughnuts Dean had ever seen. He told them the job ended early so they could spend the day together. He'd learned the State Fair was being held two counties over. They were going to spend the day playing games and riding every ride Sammy was tall enough to get on. After all of that, they were going to see who could eat the most fried pies. There was nothing better than doughnuts and a day at the Fair.

Title: Bingo!
Size: 100 words
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Summary/Preview: Charlie love her Wednesday afternoon.

Charlie spread her cards in front of her so she could easily reach them. After that, she had to arrange her luckiest bobbleheads around them She had received a few odd looks during her first few visits. She is considered a regular now and they all make room for her stuff like they did all the good luck charms. They looked out for each other and honestly, Charlie couldn't think of a better way to spend her afternoon. The gift cards and gift bags were always a nice bonus. The thrill of yelling bingo before anyone else could was awesome.

author:vexed_wench, weechesters, team bobbys pedicures, rating: g, charlie, fic: gen, drabbles, valentines day drabble challenge

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