The Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge - My First Three

Feb 01, 2018 10:38

Three drabbles written for the spn_bigpretzel Valentines Day Team Drabble Challenge, for team Bobby's Pedicures, with the theme "write about characters' love for inanimate objects or non-human/non-sentient beings".

Title: The Blue
Characters: Rufus and Dean
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Rufus loves Johnnie Walker Blue. (Okay it's not exactly an inanimate object but Rufus sure loves it!)

I remember the first time I drank it, how it sat on my tongue, smooth and full of flavour, then the way it slid down my throat, warming every inch. Nectar.

I’d never tasted anything like it, not before nor since, ‘cause I ain’t drank anything ‘cept Johnnie Walker Blue since that day.

That old fool Singer must’ve told the kid, ‘cause there he was, grinning down the camera and holding out the bottle.

Damn kid’s too pretty to be a hunter, he’s gonna get himself killed.

Least he can go out on a high, now he’s tasted the Blue.

Title: The Old Favourite
Character: Bobby
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: Bobby has several baseball caps, but one’s his favourite.

Bobby stared down at his scruffy baseball cap, thinking he should’ve got rid of it a long time ago. He had others, but he loved this old one.

He loved it because Karen had bought it for him, shortly after they’d got married, to keep the sun out of his eyes when he was working on the cars.

Karen always looked after him, better than he ever did. She made sure he wrapped up warm in the winter and kept hydrated in the summer.

He doesn’t always remember to do those things, but he’ll wear that old baseball cap forever.

Title: Tyrion's No Fairy
Characters: Dean and Sam
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100
Summary: To Sam's surprise, Dean's fallen in love with a book!

You’re reading A Game of Thrones?

Yeah, it’s just...amazing. Sex, violence, kings,’s like Lord of The Rings with balls on.

I didn’t even know you could read.

Bite me. I read.

Usually Busty Asian Beauties...

True, but I love this, especially Daenerys, she’s beautiful and brave.

Trust you to like the pretty girl.

Hey, I’m not that shallow. I like the little guy, Tyrion.

The little guy? Really?

At least I didn’t call him a fairy.

What are you talking about?

Fight the fairies, Sam. Remember?

No. Are you drunk?

No, I’m not drunk, unfortunately.

Yeah, I remember...


rating: pg, author:jj1564, dean, bobby, team bobbys pedicures, rufus, sam, drabbles, valentines day drabble challenge

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