Oldies but Goodies Rec

Feb 14, 2017 07:00

I'm not very good at the self- rec thing. But I'm going to give it a shot. Back in the days before DEW, we also had a weekly theme and the week of Valetine's Day 2013, our theme was OTP. Now, I am not much of a shipper, but it was Valentine's Day, and I couldn't resist. Some of the references might be a little out dated, but it might also be fun, given it is Valentine's Day today

Title: The Postman Cometh
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Spoilers: Through Season 7. Also, Gabriel never died. Because he didn't.
Pairings: Dean/Apple Pie, Sam/Laptop, Meg/Cas, Dean/Cherry Pie, Sam/L'Oreal, Garth/Mr. Fizzles, YEK/Lucifer, Cas/Board Games, Dean/Impala, Gabriel/Candy
Word Count: 960
Summary: God's Messenger decides to read through some of the letters he is delivering around Valentine's Day.
A/N: Written for
spn_bigpretzel's weekly theme: OTP

Here at my journal

Also, I will glady explain the YEK to anyone who hasn't been here long enough.

mr fizzles, meg, yek, castiel, pie, dean, oldies but goodies, lucifer, sam, birthday bash, garth, gabriel

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