Tall Tree

Dec 07, 2016 23:43

Title: Tall Tree


Prompt: Very Big Pretzel Holiday Drabble Challenge - Team Ho Ho Ho

Genre: Schmoop I guess

Characters:  Sam Winchester.Dean Winchester


Rating: G

Word count: 100

Warning/Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: Not my characters, only my words

Summary: Sometimes the bars they go to have a little more class than usual.

This bar was classy enough to have an actual Christmas tree, Sam could smell it over the usual aroma of stale beer. He nodded at Dean to tell him he was heading towards the tree. Dean shrugged and kept talking to the bartender. Sam stood in front of the tree that was surprisingly taller than he was and marveled at how something as simple as electric lights and sparkly stuff on an evergreen made his heart feel better somehow. Like there was still some hope left in the world. Dean’s arm slipping around his waist made it even more perfect.

team ho ho ho, author:smalltrolven, rating: g, sam, holiday drabble challenge, schmoop

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