DEW: Girls' Night In

Nov 26, 2016 16:43


Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Characters: Jodie and Donna
Spoilers/warnings: None
Word Count: 200 - sorry, I was having too much fun!
Disclaimer: Don't own them

Wine, friends and loose tongues are essential components of a Girls' Night In ...

Jodie sighed and gave Donna a lopsided smile as she drained her wine glass.

On the TV, the closing credits of ‘Independence Day’ scrolled across the screen and Donna blinked as she lost the battle to focus on them.

“Y’know Jodes,” she slurred amiably; “I d’no why films always show aliens as little and spindly and slimy.”

“Yeah,” Jodie agreed with a hiccup, as she refilled their glasses; “an’ aggressive little bastards that wanna conquer Earth, and eat everyone.”

They slumped back into the couch.

“Jus for once,” Donna reflected, absently swirling the wine around her glass; “it’d be nice if they had aliens that were tall an’ handsome.”

Jodie grinned; “yeah, with long legs and broad shoulders, and … never mind.”

“An’ gravelly voices,” Donna giggled.

“Sexy smiles,” Jodie added, over a gulp of Chardonnay.

“with nice eyes,” Donna continued.

“And even nicer asses,” Jodie spluttered, dissolving into laughter.

“I’d SO watch that movie,” Donna agreed, snorting gleefully.

The two ladies fell silent for a moment.

“Hey Jodes,” Donna exclaimed.

“Yeah?” Jodie slurred.

“You do realise we just described the Winchesters, right?”

Jodie stared first at Donna, then at her glass.

“Shit,” she mumbled; “how much have we had?”



drabble, dew, author:dizzojay, sheriff donna hanscum, sheriff jody mills

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