Give thy thoughts no tongue - Jared/Jensen NC-17

May 09, 2012 19:43

Title - Give thy thoughts no tongue
Author - queerly_it_is
Pairing - Jared/Jensen
Rating - NC-17
Word Count - 3.2k

Warnings - Very brief (one line) mention of animal abuse by OC. Dirty talk (does it count if it’s telepathy? *shrugs*)

Disclaimer - I own nothing and I make no profit from this. Any resemblance to the X-Men is purely coincidental.

Summary - Written for bewaretheides15 superhero commentfic meme, for this prompt:

Jared has been a telepath for as long as he remembers. That means that in some ways he has learned to close his mind when things get overwhelming. Meeting Jensen is a test on his patience, however, because he has never met anyone as loud or with as dirty a mind as Jensen.

(If you want to give Jensen a superpower that'd be cool too, maybe having control over magnetic fields *wink*? Oh also, I have a *thing* for awkward!Jared.)

Authors Notes - Okay, so basically Jared is not Charles Xavier and Jensen is not Eric Lehnsherr, but they have superpowers, meet and fall in love anyway. I have already deemed this a ‘verse. There will be more. Title from William Shakespeare.

genre: humor, title: g, author: q, genre: first time, genre: au, genre: crossover, pairing: jensen/jared, rating: nc-17

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