Roll the Dice, 2/9, J2, NC-17

Jan 23, 2012 20:30

Pairing/Characters: J2
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 31 000
Disclaimer: I neither own them because slavery is officially outlawed, nor am I writing a biography here folks, this is all fabricated.
Warnings: language, gore, grave injury, combat scenario, PTSD
Summary: When Pvt. Jared Padalecki gets gravely injured in combat, he receives highly advanced and experimental treatment that barely saves his life. He comes out of it forever changed and struggling with a shitload emotional baggage. His biggest challenge however is facing the man who saved his life and made him what he is now.

A/N: Fic Complete, posting will be daily for the next week.


pairing: jensen/jared, author: m, genre: hurt/comfort, title: r, genre: au, genre: angst, rating: nc-17

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