Title: Family and Friends (How they got Jared and Misha together
gestaltrosePairing: Jared/Misha with guest appearances by Jensen, Danneel, Chad, Jared's mother, Misha's mother, an OC, and mention of Jeffery Morgan
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 8400 and then some
Genre: College AU
Summary: Jared has had a crush on Professor Collins for a long time. Opportunity and circumstances push them together and then pull them apart. Will Jared fight for this relationship? Will he fight for love?
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing. I will put them back when I'm done.
Additional Notes and prompt: Written for
spn_j2_xmas gift for
tigerist who asked for any fic where X pretends to be a boyfriend of Y during Christmas (either willingly or not) and they end up together (I know, so cliché, but hey, it's for Christmas, right? let's be a little self-indulgent here :D)
Beta(s): Elizabeth aka
embroiderama is wonderful and made this better. Any remaining mistakes are mine.
posted to AO3
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