Title: End of All Things - 4/4 - Complete
Author: Marquis De Slade
Characters: Bobby Singer, Adam Milligan, Ava Wilson, Jimmy Novak, Crowley & more
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC17
Warning: slash, Wincest, horror, betrayal, violence, jealousy, murder
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these men. They are their own masters.
Summary: AU set after Season three. Dean and Sam quit the hunting business five years ago to build a life for themselves in a small town. Dean became sheriff and Sam became a high school history teacher. Life was good until the new coroner, Fergus McLeod called by his nickname, Crowley, moved to town. Now Dean's world is coming apart and he has to find a way to save it before The End of All Things.
Note: Thanks to everyone who read my Supernatural Horror story. Happy Halloween! Slade
End of All Things