Title: This Time
Pairing: Sam/Dean. Mention of Dean/others, Sam/others
Rating: R
Warning: Angst and not very brotherly kissing
Word Count: 3,100 (hey, for me, that's short!)
Disclaimer: Not mine, yadda yadda yadda
Spoilers: S1 - S3 “Bedtime Stories”
Betas: paleogymnast, gestaltrose and engel82
A/N: I've written only J2 fics up to now, so this is my first Sam/Dean, please let me know what you think.
Written for the First Kiss Challenge at
spn_first_time Summary: Dean’s used to the way Sam’s been watching him since they were kids. This time the tables are turned, and it’s a whole new feeling for Dean.
This time it was different, Dean thought. )