Title: Son Of A preacher (Part 8 or ?) (finished)
underdog_14 Beta:
angieboo878 rating: nc-17 (over all)
word count: 1000+/-
Summary: Sam's an only child of John Winchester, and Dean's the son of Father, what they don't know is how intertwined their lives will be. (think of it as a prologue to everything around the tv series)
Disclaimer: Krikpe owns the boys, and the boys own the characters, i just use and abuse!
Pairing(s): Sam/Dean (eventually)
Warnings: boy!kissing, slight underage 14/18 (all con, suggestive language leading to sex XD), slight verbal abuse, wincest, angst (boys don't know their brother's)
spoilers for possibly all seasons!
Note: This was made for
fanofsuper thanks for waiting love! I hope its as good as you wanted it.
note: thanks to
igorsmaster for helping get through this and actually completing the whole thing. I hope you all can enjoy the fic!
This is my first finished fic in over a year! yes it is done and will be posted ever six hours or so. Hope you enjoy it!
Part one
Part two
Part three
part four part five part six part seven
dun nah nah!