Title: Hold Me While I’m Killing You (9/?)
Author: SanAnn
Pairing, characters: Dean/Sam (established relationship), Meg/Tom
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2500
Beta: sweet
billysgirl5Disclaimer: I own nothing
Summary: “When you were in Hell, all I could think about was you.” - “When I was in Hell, all I could think about was coming back to you.”
A/N: I wanted to write this story for a very long time, since the moment I knew that Sam wasn’t the one to bring Dean back.
Any feedback is highly appreciated.
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secretlytodream Part I,
Part II,
Part III,
Part IV,
Part V,
Part VI,
Part VII,
Part VIII Part IX. The air feels crispy as Dean gets out of the car, and he straightens the collar of his leather jacket, breathing in the late autumn air and letting out the breathe that, like a smoke, rolls through the cold breeze.