Beta needed for sammybigbang fic

Jan 18, 2019 20:25

Title: World Without Pity
Genre: SPN, canon divergence
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 16K
Warnings/Tags: hurt!Sam, permanently injured Sam, Hallucifer, explicit sex, bottom!Sam, some angst, protective!Dean
Posting Date: February 6th
Summary: Canon divergence at "Born Again Identity", Sam has a broken arm, and instead of finding Cas, Dean breaks Sam out of the hospital. Dean takes Sam to a remote cabin (where there is only one bed cause - well - just cause) where Sam deals with a lack of sleep, intense pain from his broken arm, and his visions of Lucifer. By accident, Sam discovers that Dean's touch causes Lucifer to vanish, albeit temporarily. However, constant touching causes other issues to develop between the brother, and their relationship takes a turn neither may be prepared for.
Type of Beta Needed: I am always open to any help anyone can give me, grammar, continuity, characterization, literally any assistance you want to hand me.
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