Beta needed for sequel fic

Apr 19, 2016 11:03

Working on a sequel to my fic from 2014-15, "Under The Skin". Tagging for Wincest because Sam and Dean are in a polyamorous relationship, even though they're not directly having sex with each other, because that hits some people's squicks

Title: Until It Sleeps
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Genre: Het/Slash/Threesome/Foursome (basically everyone is poly with an OFC thrown in), AU as of the beginning of Season 10
Pairings: Sam/OFC/Dean, Dean/Castiel, Sam/OFC/Dean/Castiel, Sam/OFC, Dean/OFC, Castiel/OFC
Type of beta: General spelling and grammar, characterization, canon compliance-ish (I sometimes go outside canon, but it should make sense to the world of Supernatural)
Length: Currently ~10k, probably will end up somewhere between 30-40k, depending on things. Broken up into 1500-2500 word chapters
Turnaround: I need to have the rough draft completed by mid-June for the WIP Big Bang, so there's a lot of lead time. I mostly need to know I'm not going in a completely ridiculous direction before I get too far down the rabbit hole.
Short Summary: Sam's started having visions again. No one thinks that's a good sign, especially when Metatron goes missing from Heaven's jail, and all signs point to Crowley being behind it. When Claire and the tablets disappear from the bunker, Sam, Dean, and Cas have to figure out how to get to her and stop Crowley's plans before he does something even Lucifer never managed to pull off.

.spelling/punctuation/grammar, .voice, -slash, -au, .characterisation, -het, !beta request, -wincest, .plot, canon

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