Beta Required for a Dark, Destiel fic!

Aug 16, 2014 01:38

Hello, my friend and I are co-authoring a fic for the upcoming tfwbigbang and are looking for a beta! We’re 10k into the fic and are working alternate chapters. The fic is AU after episode 9.14, "Captives."

I cannot reveal all details here as it’s a big bang submission, but if you could do this, please PM me or my co-author and we’ll give you all the details.

Authors: spn_bookworm and winchesterpooja
Genre: Slash, het and gen all in one, (so multiple), AU, angst, dark!fic, resurrection!fic, drama, family, hurt/comfort, action
Pairings or Characters: Dean/Castiel, SamnDean brotherly bonding, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, OC
Type of beta you'd like: grammar, punctuation, plot, character voices
Length: Big bang length. 10 chapters and 3 interludes. Will cross 30k words.
Rating: R
Warnings: [Triggery stuff]Past non-con, PTSD and RTS, suicidal thoughts, possession, AU
Turnaround Time: It would be cool if all chapters are betaed by mid-November, since posting starts late November. :)

Thank you!

.flow, .spelling/punctuation/grammar, .voice, -slash, -au, .characterisation, -het, !beta request, -gen, .plot

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