Title: Likewise, I'm Sure
leestoneFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/Bela
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3250
Summary: The penultimate scene between them in Bela's hotel room, Bela against the wall with Dean's gun trained between her eyes, didn't end where the show says it did. Maybe Dean's the one holding the gun, or maybe she tricked it away from him (because she's awesome like that), but either way, someone gets f***ed with it. And gets off on it, however unwillingly.
Warnings: hatesex, gunplay, non/dubcon
A/N: This is a couple months old. Just a shameless PWP for the above prompt at Round 4 of
blindfold_spn; also my first posted SPN fic. Follow the tag to my LJ:
“They were lovely people,” Bela lies, a nasty smile puckering her mouth.