Title: Fallen, a 'verse in which there is a TV show, two actors, and a fanboy.
tawgWord count: ~3,600 and ~3,700
Rating: M for part one, PG for part two.
Characters/pairings: References to Balthazar/Castiel. Sam/Balthazar and slight Sam/Castiel. Future Sam/Balthazar/Castiel.
Notes: These fics are the start of a larger verse, so I guess this deserves a WIP warning.
Summary: 'Fallen' is Sam's favourite TV show. He never expected to get to work on the show. He never expected to actually get to talk to the actors. He never expected that there was unfinished business between them.
Part one: Fell Into It (or: The AU where Sam is a Fanboy and Cas and Bal are Actors) Fell Over, Repeatedly (Or: Fanboy Sam Finally Talks to Castiel)