Title: Sometimes We Get Too Smart Too Late
Author: DauntPerplexity
Rating: PG 13
Genre: episode related
Characters and/or Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Castiel/Balthazar, past-Balthazar/Castiel
Spoilers: 6x15
Warnings: mentions of sex
Word Count: 2214
Summary: Dean felt like an ass when Castiel left him and his brother earlier that day. Now, he felt like a total douchebag.
Author’s Note: Just something that came to me. I had to write something else because my brain needed a break from my
dc_everafter story. This is what it cranked out.
Author’s Note #2: I guess I want to say this if for
kaiyote because she’s been reading some fic with Balthazar that she hasn’t liked the result. I hope this turns out okay. Also for
squishyball and
rogueslayer452 . Who, with their constant talk of Balthazar, have made me want to write a story with him in it.
Fic found here