Nominations Start Tomorrow - hope you're all excited!

Oct 14, 2010 14:01

Don't forget to keep pimping so we get plenty of nominations!

Here's how it will work:
The three mods will be posting the list of nominations split into three sections to make it easier for us. As we are in different timezones they will go up at different times during the day. This may not be ideal but it is how it has to happen. In any case the nominations will be open for 15 days so there is PLENTY of time to get yours in, don't panic if you don't see one section putup straight away, it will be there eventually.

You can nominate your own work (but you will need 2 people to second and third your nominations)
If you are nominating someone else you must have their full username and the link to the piece you are nominating
Please nominate as follows (Tomorrow - when you see the nominations posts):
The award you are nominating for
Your username
Author's username
Title and link to piece (if applicable, awards for best writer, best vidder etc do not need links)
When Seconding please copy the information and change the username to yours and add (second) or (third) after it
Series can be nominated either as the series in full or a particular chapter
The winners will be decided by voted polls when voting begins on 1st November
In the event of a tie the mods will assess the works in question and vote ourselves. The Mods' decisions are final.

Here are the finalised categories:

Author awards
Best SPN writer
Best RPS writer
Best PWP writer
Best Wincest writer
Best Dean/Cas Writer
Best Rare pair writer
Best Schmoop writer
Best Angst writer
Best Crack!fic writer  (includes comedy)
Best Case!fic writer

Fiction awards (for individual pieces)
SPN Wincest
SPN Dean/Castiel
SPN Non Wincest slash (other pairings) 
SPN Rare pair
SPN Big Bang
SPN Drabble
SPN Kink
SPN Pre-show
SPN Wee!Chesters
SPN Teen!Chesters
SPN Missing year
SPN Polyamory 
RPS Rare pair/non J2
RPS Big Bang
RPS Drabble
RPS Kink
RPS Polyamory
AU High school 
AU College
AU Sci-Fi
AU Slave
AU Dark!fic
SPN Coda 
SPN Crossover
SPN Hell!fic

Best Podfic Reader

Artist awards
Best hand-drawn SPN Artist
Best hand-drawn RPS Artist
Best computer-graphic SPN Artist
Best computer-graphic RPS Artist
Best Manips artist

Art awards (individual pieces)
SPN Best Banner
SPN Best Icons
SPN Best Crossover
SPN Best Story Art
RPS Best Banner
RPS Best Icons
RPS Best Crossover
RPS Best Story Art 
Best Hand-drawn Pencil Art
Best Hand-drawn Ink Art
Best Hand-drawn Black & White
Best Hand-drawn Colour
Best Graphic Black & white
Best Graphic Colour
Best Painting
Best Manip

Video Awards
Best SPN Vidder
Best Wincest Vidder
Best RPS Vidder
Best Gen Vidder
Best Manips Vidder
Best Editing Vidder
Best Gif maker

Video awards (individual pieces)
SPN Best Comedy
SPN Best Angst
SPN Best Schmoop
RPS Best Comedy
RPS Best Angst
RPS Best Schmoop
Best Wincest video
Best non Wincest/other slash video

Fanmix awards
Best SPN mix
Best RPS mix
Best Story mix/soundtrack

Beta award
To the person voted as most helpful Beta reader, split into two for SPN and RPS.

Cheerleader award
To the person voted as perkiest bounciest cheeriest cheerleader! Split into two for SPN and RPS.

Reccer award
To the person or community with the best recommendations, split for SPN and RPS.

how it works

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