Fic: A Girl Like That Anyway - R, SPN/BtVS/Deadwood/OC, 5x, Crossover, Gen, Humor

Feb 14, 2015 13:16

Title: A Girl Like That Anyway
Author: dodger_sister
Fandom: Supernatural/Buffy/Deadwood/The O.C.
Category: 5x, Crossover, General, Humor
Characters/Pairing: Dean, Sam, Bobby & Buffy, Faith, Xander & Seth, Summer, Kaitlin & Calamity Jane
Rating: R
Warnings: Language.
Spoilers: The O.C.’s “The Cliffhanger“ & “The Chrismukk-huh?”
Summary: 5x Dean and Sam observed some females of the species.
Word Count: 2,185 words.
Author's Notes: Written for my girls for Valentine's Day!

It usually took Dean three hacks to get the head clean off.

genre: humor, crossover: buffy, genre: gen, author: dodger_sister, genre: crossover

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