Title: Inheriting Trouble - 5 A, B & C/?
deans_fetish for Dean Winchester &
lady_simoriah for Sam Winchester
Characters Dean/Sam, Sarah Blake.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): AU, Angst, Schmoop, Swearing, Sibling Incest (Wincest).
Spoilers: Season 1, Episode 19
Summary: A hunt involving a cursed painting leads the boys to upstate New York, where Sam finds more than he bargained for.
A/NFrom the AU retelling of Supernatural wincest style called, Wherever I May Roam verse..
♥♥ A special thanks goes to Eric Kripke for the set up, some scenery and some of the words used herein.
* A special thanks goes out to
kharouf for betaing for us. ♥