Title:Not So Lucky For the Rabbit
brosedshieldDisclaimer:Not mine, not going to be.
Characters: Deanna Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bela Talbot
Warnings: alternative ending, character death, self and gender hatred
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~600
Spoilers: S3, “Bad Day at Black Rock”
Summary: The Winchesters meet Bela Talbot. Dee wonders how Bela can believe she, as a woman, will survive
Beta Credit:
lavinialavender read it over and then I changed stuff, so, yeah, errors are mine, mine, mine, all mine.
Author notes: This is part of the girl!Dean AU Lavinia and I share at the
deewinchester community. I’m on the fence about this ending. It’s non-canon compliant and I'm...uncertain. Ah well!
When the Winchesters first met Bela Talbot, Dee had to admit the chick had style.