Title: Western Rising, 8/?
reading_is_inPairing: Sam/Dean, Chuck, Becky, Crowley, Lilith
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Drama
Summary: Sequel to
First Taught the Chosen Seed. Three months have passed since the massacre at the compound. Sam and Dean wander the badlands, but events force them to return to civilization. An unexpected rescue makes Dean a hero in the eyes of Ghosts across the wilderness, and rumours of Sam’s abilities continue to circulate. More and more outcasts are organizing to oppose the State. Meanwhile, a charismatic prodigy named Lilith is rising in the Resistance: a brilliant soldier who burns for the end of the State, and the head of the man she blames for the death of her leader.
Disclaimer: All recognized characters are property of Eric Kripke/CW. This
fanfic is not for profit, and makes transformative fair use of the characters
here mentioned.
Dean kissed his hair: a benediction. Psst, mods - can has author tag? ♥
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven