The Hunter Chronicles (Chapter 4)

Sep 23, 2012 04:49

Title: The Hunter Chronicles- Chapter 4- "Calm Before..." (Series)
Author: Kirsten Moodie aka SpikesLittleBit aka Dawnandspike4eva aka EnchantedFae
Warning: Sexual Content
Disclaimer: I do not own and do not profit from this story. Supernatural and Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to their respective owners, which are not me.
Pairing: Dean/Dawn
This is an update, the fourth chapter to The Hunter Chronicles, in this chapter Dean, Sam and Dawn decide to take that mini-vacation they discussed. While they hope that they can relax without interruptions, Dean and Dawn's relationship begins to heat up.

author: kirsten moodie, genre: action/adventure, crossover: buffy, pairing: het, genre: crossover, pairing: dean/other

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