Title: Back To Kansas, Toto - 4/4
Fetish for Dean Winchester &
lady_simoriah for Sam Winchester
Prompt: Baby - First Steps
Character(s): Sam/Dean, Missouri Moseley, Jenny, Sari & Ritchie.
Medium: Fiction for
schmoop_bingo Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, Sibling Incest (Wincest).
Spoiler(s): Season 1, Episode 9 - Home
Summary: A case spurred by one of Sam's dreams leads to a close encounter with the woman who started their quest...their mother.
A/N: Thanks to Kripke for the set up, some scenery and some of the words used herein.
Thank You to
bt_kady for our beautiful banner and icon! ♥
Thanks to
winsangel for betaing for us.