Title: Tomato Rice Soup - 5 A&B/?
Fetish for Dean Winchester &
lady_simoriah for Sam Winchester
Prompt: Cuddling While Sick
Character(s): Sam/Dean.
Medium: Fiction for
schmoop_bingo Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, Sibling Incest (Wincest), Angst.
Spoiler(s): None.
Summary: Having spent every moment that Sam was under Circe's spell taking care of his brother/lover, Dean gets sick with the flu and now it is Sam's turn to care for his big brother.
A/N: This is set directly after our origional fiction, 'Haunted' in the Wherever I May Roam verse.
Thank You to
vamptastica for our awesome banner and icon! We love you, darlin'! ♥
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