Title: Smokey Mountain Holiday - 22/22
NSFW Story Banner
Fetish for Dean Winchester &
lady_simoriah for Sam Winchester
Prompt: Vacation
Character(s): Sam/Dean.
Medium: Fiction for
schmoop_bingo Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, Sibling Incest (Wincest), Angst.
Spoiler(s): Brief mentions of Season 1, episode 4 - Phantom Traveler.
Summary: After the boys have their first run in with a demon, on an airplane no less much to Dean's dismay, the boys set out for the Great Smokey Mountains for a weeks vacation to get away from it all and just be together.
A/N: Thanks to Kripke for the beginning thoughts and summary in this fiction regarding his episode 'Phantom Traveler' and a Pada-sized Thank You to
vamptastica for our GORGEOUS banner and icon! We luv ya, bb! ♥
tsi lu gi V s gi ga [welcome December]