The first Supernatural Fandom Appreciation Challenge is open!
Remember this is a points based challenge:
- for each Day's Challenge completed within the allotted time, you get 10 points.
- if you don't complete a Day Challenge on time, but you still do it within the Challenge Week, you get 5 points.
Challenge closed! But you can still complete it and check the ticky box to earn 5 points.
Here's the first Daily Challenge.
Send feedback for 3 stories that are more than 6 months old. Hint: use the archive feature at
spnnewsletter if you're not sure where to find stories.
When you have completed the Daily Challenge...
Poll SPN Appreciation Challenge - Day 1 NB: Please don't do this until you have fully completed the day's challenge. Also, the Challenge is based on the honour system - no proof of feedback is required.
Thanks to everyone who has joined the community or added it to their friends list.
I'd like to point out that if everyone who's a community member completes today's challenge, it will equal 291 pieces of feedback, and if everyone who's watching this community completes today's challenge, it will equal 426 pieces of feedback. And that's just a single day's challenge! Imagine what can be done over a week! It's something to aim for, anyway - I'll keep you updated with how we do as the Challenge progresses and post a final tally once the Challenge Week is over.