New Fic: [ A Medley of Extemporanea ] - SPN, Sam/Dean, NC17

Nov 04, 2007 19:55

Title: A Medley of Extemporanea
Author: mickeym
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 13,385 in two parts
Rating: NC17
Spoilers: Vague references made to AHBL2
Warnings: none, unless 'future-fic' is a category to warn for?
Notes: Oh, God, where to begin? This was originally started for lyra_wing's spn_50states challenge (I chose Kentucky. I know y'all are surprised). Considering the deadline was August 1, I'm a little late. Whoops.

The title comes from a Dorothy Parker poem. Extemporaneous means done without planning, or a spur of the moment thing. It really seemed to fit the idea I had, where Dean's done -- but everything that comes next just happens.

This story would never have happened without a lot of help from some really wonderful people. Thank yous to pierson, raynedanser and iconis for early-stage beta-ing and reassurance. Lots of hugs to poetdiva28 and mkitty3 for cheerleading and support. Huge thanks and hugs to aynslee and rejeneration for final beta duties, and for encouraging me to keep going. *hugs all of you*

I really hope y'all enjoy this story. In spite of my annoyance with its persistant non-cooperation, I'm really happy with how it turned out, and very proud of it.

A Medley of Extemporanea

*Link goes to Part One; Part two is linked off that page.
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