Title: I will survive (from the song by Gloria Gaynor)
Characters: Sam, Dean
Word count: 3293 words
Summary: Winchesters deal with Dean's disability (MS)
Time Frame: Set immediately after Acquiesced
Disclaimer: Oh how I wish... Alas!
Rating: Gen
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I thought the haircut scene was brilliant, I mean, it was totally adorable that Sam wanted to cut Dean's hair ("“So? I still like my ears how they are, attached to my head”- Dean has the most adorable ears), but then when Sammy asked Dean to cut his it just melted me. I loved the uncertainty and then when Sam insisted that Dean trusts himself (because Sam is still an awesome little brother and still trusts Dean regardless) he let himself do it and it happened. That was a really clever and moving scene.
I adore your last paragraph too. I like how the focus is Sam and not on his illness... so sad but so beautiful.
Keep up the great work, I really enjoyed this chapter and the whole 'verse seems so real and heartbreaking. I think you're just about managing to encapsulate what we love about hurt!Dean and the life that follows. I'm honestly in awe and glad that you've realised your writing talent!
*Hugs tight*
And now I'm squealing with happiness.
You have no idea what your opinion on this means to me. I was more scared to post this because I was afraid you might not like it as much compared to the previous one. I am so so SOOOO happy you liked it.
LOVE YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and thank you for all your support ♥♥
That's really sweet that my opinion counts, always happy to spur you on and be your cheerleader.
I loved it even more, if anything! Now that we now how they work and how everybody is feeling... I adore the 'verse. It's lovely. You're awesome. The End. :D
I'm too excited to sleep now. This is the happiest I've been today. Thanks to your lovely self <3
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