30 Nanoshots 2012

Oct 24, 2012 00:05

COMMENTS TO THIS ENTRY HAVE BEEN DISABLED because it's getting tons of spam comments for some unknown reason and I'm sick of it. There really isn't any reason for anyone to need to comment on this old entry anyway. If you have any questions about the NaNo challenge, you can direct them to me or another, more recent entry about NaNo. Thanks. Hopefully this will stop the useless comments in my inbox.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo or mini_nanowrimo? Plan to work on Supernatural or Supernatural RPF/S for either challenge? Think you could use some prompts to help meet your word count each day?

If so, consider participating in 30 NaNo-Shots, spn_30snapshots's very own NaNo and mini-NaNo-friendly prompt table challenge.

We're here to help you get writing and stay writing over the month of November!

30 NaNo-Shots is its own separate challenge here. As a participant, you would claim one of our tables and finish it between November 1st and November 30th.

Yep, 30 prompts, 30 days! You get to decide how many words you write each day in order to complete whatever Nano challenge you have taken on, but you would need to fill every prompt on your table during the month of November and post them to the community. Write something every day, write a multi-chapter story, post a prompt-fill each day or post them all at the end of the month, it's your choice how you do it.

There are other changes from how Nano-Shots has been run in the past. There will now not be a special table only for Nano-Shots. This year, you can choose from any of our existing tables!

Can you run that by me again?

01. Join the Community if you haven't already.

02. Choose a prompt table that you'd like to write from.

03. Decide on a Claim. Choose a character - minor, major, or original - a pairing, a group of characters or general series, from either the Supernatural or Supernatural/CW RPF/S canon/fanon that you will center your November writing series on. We welcome any pairing and general series fiction.

04. Sign-up. When you have decided on your character(s)/pairing, make your claim here if your claim is from A to M or here if your claim is from N to Z. Make sure you label your claim as a Nano-Shots Claim. You have between today and October 31st to sign up.

05. Write! You can plan how many words you will write every day based on whatever Nano challenge you have taken on, or if you're one of those writers who bangs out a Big Bang in a few days, how many words you will write at the last minute. :D In accordance with our regular rules, every prompt-filling story/chapter must be at least 100 words.

06. Post. Posting can be done a little differently from past years to make things easier on the participants. Basically, you must complete all 30 of your prompts between November 1st and November 30th. They must all be posted/linked to on the community between November 1st and November 30th. Once it is no longer November 30th everywhere in the world, the challenge is over, and all your stories must be posted. If it is still November 30th somewhere in the world, you can still post your fills.

If it helps you to post a prompt fill every day, you can post every day. If you'd rather post every few days, post every few days. If you'd rather post all 30 fills on November 30th, do it. Just remember that if you are posting more than three fills in a day, put them all in 1 to 3 posts behind a LJ-cut. To clarify, please do not spam the comm with 30 separate posts in one day. If you're posting a lot of prompt fills in one day, combine them into a total of 3 posts max.

Example, you want to post 10 prompt-filling stories on November 13th. You should NOT post 10 separate posts. What you should do is combine those 10 stories/links to stories into no more than 3 posts. So, maybe you put three stories in post #1, three stories in post #2, and four stories in post #3. Much of the text would need to be put behind a LJ-cut if the post is long. If you are posting entire stories to the comm instead of linking to them on your own journal/AO3/etc, and you run into LJ posting limits, you'd of course want to use LJ-cuts, and make no more than three posts per day. If you have to plan these posts out in order to get them all up by November 30th, then do so, but you don't want to spam the community with too many posts per day.

When you post your fic, please follow the rules outlined on our general info page. (Use a header, as usual.) The only addition to the rules for this specific challenge is that you should include in the subject line of your post the word "[NaNo]" and also tag your post with "!challenge: 30 nanoshots 2012." When you tell me you've completed the challenge, I should be able to click on this tag and find all your posts, so make sure you use it!

07. Win! Once you've completed your entire prompt table at the end of the month, please leave a comment to our Hall of Fame post with a link to your finished table. Winners will get a nifty banner announcing that they've completed the 30 NaNo-Shots 2012 Challenge!

Questions? Leave them in a comment below!

!challenge: 30 nanoshots 2012, !modpost, !community: 30 nano-shots rules & info

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