See below for titles; General (SPN & RPF); Prompts 19 & 29.

May 21, 2012 15:33

For both ficlets;
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Cas
Claim: General Series (SPN & RPF)
Theme: #11; He Said, She Said. Table here
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my active imagination. Characters belong to Kripke, etc.
Summary:  Dean and Castiel consider what exactly is going on between them.
Warnings: Pre-slash. Angst. 1st person narrative. Spoilers for end of season 7 (episode 23).
Author Notes: Un-beta'd because it's poetry, so weird grammar is allowed. :) One is Dean's POV, the other is Castiel's.

Title: Nothing More
Prompt: #19 ' Too long a sacrifice [...] o when may it suffice? '
Word Count: ~360

Title: Undeserving
Prompt: #29 'Well -- all things turn bitter in the end [...] dreams are not a bad thing. '
Word Count: ~530

Comments are love. :)

table: 11, type: fiction, author: trickylady, claim: general series

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