Title: Merely Existing
trickyladyCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Cas (friendship mostly)
Claim: General Series (SPN & RPF)
Theme: #11; He Said, She Said.
Table herePrompt(s): #24 ''There has been a key [...] the keys lost all their weight.'
Rating: G
Word count: ~500
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my active imagination. Characters belong to Kripke, etc.
Summary: Castiel wants a kitten, and Dean can't think of reason to say no.
Warnings: Angst! .....I KNOW. How could there be kittens and angst at the same time? But there is. And it's kind of pre-slash if you squint. spoilers for episodes 7x21 and 5x04 (the end).
Author Notes: Un-beta'd. And the prompt for Cas wanting a kitten is from
kimberlelly but I don't think she expects...whatever this is.
“Jesus,” Dean says, inhaling sharply, “did you bring those kittens here, Cas?” “I did,” Castiel grins wildly - which Dean still hasn’t gotten used to yet - and crosses the room, kneeling down in front of the box. “I’d very much like to keep one, Dean.”