Title: Fascination
trickyladyCharacter(s)/Pairing(s): Cas/Kevin, mention of Cas/Dean
Claim: General Series (SPN & RPF)
Theme: #11; He Said, She Said.
Table herePrompt(s): #02 'When it comes, will it come without warning[...]tell me the truth about love.'
Rating: R for sexual activity
Word count: ~1500
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my active imagination. Characters belong to Kripke, etc.
Summary: Castiel is made Kevin's keeper. He enjoys watching him, and enjoys it more by the day.
Warnings/Author Notes: Spoilers for 7x21, hints of angst, slash. I suppose Kevin is still underage in the story, so there's that too. Beta'd by the awesomely fast
icelily01. Thank you so much!
Dean isn’t around to see, can’t pretend he isn’t jealous, but Castiel wants to touch this boy nonetheless. Kevin hums as he shifts in the single bed, and Castiel does it without meaning to. Castiel wonders if keeping his eyes closed will prevent Kevin from being angry once Kevin wakes up and realizes he’s naked. Comments are <3