more than just burgers

Nov 20, 2011 22:10

Title: More than just burgers.
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel
Claim: Theme 01: Elemental
Prompt(s): #09, Hunger
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: Just talk him through it. (spoilers for My Bloody Valentine)

They sat in the Impala, Dean watching him consume another hamburger and asking how many he’d had.

“Lost count. Somewhere in the low hundreds.”

A little more conversation, the effect Jimmy’s love of red meat was having in the wake of Famine’s grip on this town, Dean’s seeming immunity to the obsessions that had overtaken so many others here. Dean figured he could just talk him through it, explain the physical feeling of being hungry and having food cravings, maybe that would just be it.

“This is not everything, Dean. There is another hunger, and it is not a result of any lingering effect of my vessel.”

“What, then? You’re desperate to get back, right? You can’t control your impulse to return to Heaven? Is that it?”

Castiel’s usual deep voice was an entire register lower as he responded. “No, Dean”, and reached across the front seat, wrapping his hand around his charge’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss that was as far from chaste as Dean could ever remember getting.

Dean thought for just a second that Cas would lose this once they had Famine defeated. But then he remembered…the horseman didn’t just pluck desires from thin air. He only intensified the ones that were already there.

Fuck fuck fuck.

table: 01, author: verucasalt123

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