Fic, Dean - Table 1 - Prompt 02

Apr 25, 2011 12:18

Overall Title: Toil and Trouble (2/30)
Author faelescaloris
Character(s)/Pairing: Dean; also Sam and OFC
Theme: Table 1 -- Elemental
Prompt(s): 02 -- Smell
Word Count: 980
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Sam and/or Dean, I'm just happily borrowing them for a short time.
Summary: Sam and Dean's normal hunt turns out to be part of the bigger picture. Set after Sam has come back from hell and they know about the Mother of All.
Spoilers: Nothing really, but set up to where Season 6 currently is.
Warnings/Author Notes: See Part 1.


author: faelescaloris

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