Title: Agapeton
Author: trillianastra
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Castiel, Belial, mention of Sam and Dean. Referenced Belial/Lucifer, hinted Castiel/Belial
Claim: Castiel
Theme: 11 - He Said, She Said -
http://trillianastra.livejournal.com/185966.html#cutid1Prompt(s): 13. The stain of love is upon the world
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW, Angel Sanctuary to Kaori Yuki, no infringement of copyright intended.
Summary: Castiel reflects on what he has learnt since coming to Earth.
Warnings/Author Notes: Angel Sanctuary crossover, because things get that much more interesting when you combine these two worlds.
The fic at my journal (public post)