Mod Message: Use your tags and last poll reminder

Feb 28, 2011 00:33

A reminder: When you put up your first post, your author or artist tag will be created for you. Every post after that, it is YOUR responsibility to use your author/artist tag. There's been a rash of posts lately where people have used every tag BUT their author/artist tag, which has been created for them for five posts already. When you're putting up post #2, or #3, etc, check to make sure your author/artist tag has or has not been created, and use it if it has. Don't make the mod have to add it for you. You guys are old enough to tag your own entries.

Also, if you want me to be able to create a Claim tag for you that does not already exist, you need to make it very clear in your post what your claim is. Add something like "Claim: Castiel/Gabriel" or whatever. I'm not going to assume from the pairings because that may not be your claim. I'm also not going to go look at the claims list to figure it out because I shouldn't have to - if there isn't a tag for your claim and you want one, please just make it clear in your post.

Finally, I still want a few more opinions on the Mod or Not to Mod issue before I declare the poll closed. So I'm going to remind that we have a poll going on one more time:

Should this community be moderated?

Thanks for your attention. :)

!mod post

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