Title: Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG-13 for language and innuendo
Category: Gen
Word Count: 1,627
Spoilers: None, pre-series.
Summary: Wherein Sam meets Jessica for the first time and craziness ensues with watermelons, machetes and bikini-clad chicas. And Sam being a badass.
Disclaimer: Kripke owns it all. Lucky bastard.
Notes: Okay, so I got the idea to write a fic using Baby's line "I carried the watermelon." from Dirty Dancing. And I also wanted a fic wherein Sam is a total badass. And... this came out. As my lovely beta
papered so kindly giggled at me: it is rather silly that everyone gets so excited about a watermelon. ;P
I carried the watermelon.