The SPN_ReverseBang Posting Schedule 2021!

Sep 25, 2021 14:57

Hello ReverseBang teams of 2021!
You should be in touch with your partner by now. If you haven't been able to reach them, email the mod account asap, so we can sort things out. There is no judgement; it's simply to find out what's going on in order to move along. If you receive a modmail, please reply as soon as possible.

IMPORTANT: Please include YOUR ART CLAIM NUMBER in all communications!

Kind request to everyone to stick to their assigned dates, as this schedule was set up with consideration for people with two (or three!) claims and to mix up RPF/SPN content. Comment to this post with any questions (comments are screened), or email if you prefer.
It's okay to try to swap dates with another team directly, but please tell me if you made a switch, so that the schedule can be adjusted. (There's no posting in weekends, so all consumers of fanart and fanfic can catch up:)
Contact your partner before requesting a date change, to make sure you're both on the same page.

Monday November 1
S2008: Aceriee & posingasme
R1017: darklittleheart & lia1996

Tuesday November 2
E3001: tx_devilorangel & nyxocity

Wednesday November 3
S2000: Phoenix1966 & Coricomile

Thursday November 4
R1001: jdl71 & zara_zee
S2003: MidnightSilver & redmyeyes

Friday November 5
S2002: dwimpala21 & addictsam


Monday November 8
S2009: Alexiescherryslurpy & tammyrenh
R1014: Bound_amalthea/lilredwulfe & Fledge

Tuesday November 9
S2004: thegoodthebadandtheart & flownwrong

Wednesday November 10
S2005: Dizzojay & ellerkay

Thursday November 11
S2014: sastmk & kelleigh

Friday November 12
S2012: Yoann & broken_cinders


Monday November 15
R1007: blondebitz & candygramme
S2015: grazimousy & Dugindeep

Tuesday November 16
S2016: Aceriee & sivictis

Wednesday November 17
S2001: kingstoken & posingasme
R1012: tx_devilorangel & lia1996

Thursday November 18
E3002: Phoenix1966 & antrazi

Friday November 19
SPN Reminisce Day *snuggles fandom*


Monday November 22
R1005: jdl71 & amypond45
E3000: Amberdreams & zubeneschamali

Tuesday November 23
R1000: dwimpala21 & tammyrenh
S2006: StepicliffeGrey & alyndra

Wednesday November 24
R1013: Bluefire986 & morganadw
S2007: thegoodthebadandtheart & cer_beruss

Thursday November 25
S2011: dizzojay & butterflyslinky
S2013: Peach-Coke & ourparallels

Friday November 26
R1008: AomaSade & morganadw
R1002: Amberdreams & yohkobennington


Monday November 29

Tuesday November 30
R1004: blondebitz & morganadw
R1016: Bluefire986 & backrose_17

Wednesday December 1
R1006: AomaSade & casey679
S2017: JenniferB & pebbles_12345

Thursday December 2
R1009: darklittleheart & Merenwen76
R1010: emmatheslayer & ashtraythief

Need to reschedule? Mail the Mod!

IMPORTANT: Please include YOUR ART CLAIM NUMBER in all communications!

Guidelines & Advice for a happy Reverse Bang experience
Now that everyone has their assigned date(s), here are some suggestions that will hopefully help make this a wonderful fandom experience for all:)

Every artist/author team dynamic will be different. Some teams will be more intense, with high levels of communication almost daily. Other teams will be more casual, with only the occasional email as both parties work separately and come together at the end for a master post. There is no right or wrong way to handle this challenge, and it's to the discretion of each artist/author team to figure out what works for them. The only requirement is that both parties be civil and respectful towards each other during the process.
Talk about how you want to collaborate, so you are aware of each other's expectations. Communication is key!

If there are problems between you and your artist/author, please try your best to work it out. If, however, they are being unresponsive or extremely uncooperative, you may mail the mod account and I will do my best to help resolve the issue.

Details about How to Post will go up when it's closer to November, but here are a couple of things to keep in mind.
There will be a general check in for artist/author pairings on Friday October 8, just to hear how everybody is doing:)
Mandatory Writer Rough Drafts are due on Sunday October 24, but feel free to send it whenever you're ready. Drafts should be at least 2,500 words long. (The minimum FINAL word count is 3,000 words. You are absolutely welcome to write more, but this is not a Big Bang, so no need for Big stress;)
Authors, your artist should receive a copy of the draft as well, so they can squee over it with you and so they can create additional art if they want. (They will understand it's a work in progress, don't worry about it being a bit messy still)

Have fun collaborating! Can't wait to see what y'all come up with:)

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.mod post: posting schedule, .mod post: 2021

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