Path of the Dragon

Nov 24, 2020 10:27

Fic Title: Path of the Dragon
Author: tyrsibs
Artist: tx_devilorangel
Fandom/Genre: SPN
Pairing(s): Gen
Rating: n/a
Warnings: none
Summary: “Every seeker approaches the father on his or her own path.” Trust a reaper to take that piece of advice as unbreakable law.
In which Sam and Dean run an errand for the reapers, in order to help Jack with his mission to take out Chuck. It's just a quick trip to Purgatory to find a dragon's lair. What could go wrong? Set in between "Galaxy Brain" and "Destiny's Child".
Art Link(s): LJ / AO3
Fic Link: LJ / AO3

word count: 6000 - 8000, challenge: 2020, rating: g, pairing: none/gen, genre: spn, medium: digital miscellaneous

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