Submit To Me

Nov 20, 2020 21:43

Art Title: Submit To Me
Prompt Number: S2002
Artist: jdl71

Fic Title: Submit To Me
Author:  runedgirl
Fandom/Genre:  SPN
Pairing(s): Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating:  NC17
Word Count: 4440
Warnings:  BDSM, dominant Sam, submissive Dean, whips, handcuffs
Summary:  Sam gets suspicious when Dean keeps disappearing at night, coming back with bruises and vague explanations. He follows Dean to a club where he finds his brother offering himself to any man willing to dominate him -- Sam offers to take over, but only if Dean agrees to submit to only him.

Art Link(s): LJ
Fic Link(s): LJ

challenge: 2020, word count: 4000 - 6000, medium: digital manip, genre: spn, rating: nc17, pairing: sam/dean

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