(no subject)

Nov 06, 2020 14:07

Art Title: Powerless
Prompt Number: S2014
Artist: deerange

Fic Title: Powerless
Author: morganadw
Fandom/Genre: SPN/hurt/comfort
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 16,899
Warnings: Explicit violence, non-con/rape, triggers, explicit language
Summary: Fights and lies have driven a wedge between the Winchesters so when Sam wakes up to find himself confronted by one of his worst fears he must choose if the changes Hell made to his brother have finally crossed a line or if the sudden violence he's powerless to prevent is something more. Secrets both Sam and Dean are forced to face will also decide their fate and future.

Art Link(s): Tumbler for Deeranger for Powerless & Deeranger on Deviant Art
Fic Link(s): Powerless by morganadw on AO3

challenge: 2020, medium: digital drawing, word count: 15000 - 20000, genre: spn, rating: nc17, pairing: sam/dean

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